best practices

Discover the 5 best practices for live chat outsourcing

Photo of Mui Yoon
by   Mui Yoon
January 21, 2022

As your business scales and you service more customers, your live chat activity is likely to grow. Unfortunately, this constant and time-consuming task can pull your focus away from growing your business. 

At Influx, we’re experts at delivering world-class customer service via live chat to increase sales and keep your customers coming back for more. In this article, we share the five live chat outsourcing best practices and all you need to know when considering an outsourcing company. 

The 5 best practices for live chat outsourcing

When you’re considering outsourcing live chat, it can often feel daunting without knowing where to begin and what to look for in a potential customer support company. Following best practices for live chat can help your business improve response times, raise CSAT, and avoid churn. Below, you can find five best practices for outsourcing live chat companies to help you succeed: 

1. Find a team with a proven track record

Your live chat outsource is a gateway to your customers. You need to have a friendly and caring customer service team to help them and treat them with respect. You didn’t get to where you are now without excellent customer service, so why stop now? Ensuring that the potential support service has a quality track record is imperative to keeping your customers happy. 

When scouting for live chat outsourcing, reading client testimonials can be key. It pays to discover the experiences other companies have had using their services.

2. Choose a team that can scale fast 

With your live chat outsourcing taken care of, you’ll have more time to scale your business and drive traffic to your website. When this happens, it can mean dealing with more customers, more questions and more tickets to resolve. You need to resolve inquiries and grow according to the increased demand. 

When considering a service, make sure they’re able to grow with you as your business expands. You need a team that can grow with you and develop organically as you need them. This can ensure fewer headaches and a smoother customer experience for your clients. 

3. Ensure you assess their onboarding time frame

When you’re considering a live chat outsourcing company, it’s usually because you need them now! You’re busy, overworked and looking for a way to clear time for you and your team. This means you need a customer support company that can learn quickly and start helping your customers as soon as possible.

Here are a couple of things to consider when looking for a live chat outsourcing support company that can start quickly:

  • Do they pre-train their agents, or will they be starting from scratch? Having a company that pre trains their employees in customer service can be a sure-fire way to ensure you’re getting a quality company onboard fast! 

  • How fast can they take over running live chat operations for you? If you’re outsourcing, you’re stretched on time and need some back! You don’t have time to spend months training them. You need a company that can learn fast and take over your live chat quickly and efficiently! 

Finding out these things can save you precious time and even a headache! 

4. Avoid lock-in contracts 

Outsourcing your live chat can be a significant investment and a huge decision. You’ve probably heard horror stories about companies outsourcing their live chat, only to find out that their service is terrible and that they’re locked into lengthy contracts. Outsourcing should be like dating; you shouldn’t have to marry the service on the first date.

Ensuring you’re not locked into a long contract is a great way to test out the service and make sure the company is the right fit for you. A good service is dynamic and scales up and down with you. 

5. Steer clear of language barriers 

Any good live chat outsourcing company starts by learning about your business and understanding your needs. To outsource live chat operators, they will be sure to make sure and understand what you need. Once they do this, they set KPIs to ensure they know what success looks like for you and your customers. 

Next, they should understand how you’ve dealt with enquiries and tickets before. If they’re capable, this process can teach them how your brand speaks and acts online. This ensures your agents are great at handling enquiries and delivering quick responses in a brand congruent manner. 

Lean on us for customer support 

As you can see, to outsource live chat support can often be a complex and painful job if not dealing with the right company. At Influx, our goal is to provide businesses like yours with world-class live chat outsourcing, no matter how big or small. We’re flexible and aim to develop long-term solutions while keeping costs low. 

Getting started with us is easy; we can have you up and running within a week, and the results speak for themselves. Contact us today to see how we can help you grow.

About the author

Photo of Mui Yoon

Mui Yoon

Mui Yoon writes for Influx. A lifelong learner and passionate writer, she believes that the best stories come from curiosity and conversations with people.