business operations

How to scale CX teams while maximizing ROI

Photo of Mikayla Fuller
by   Mikayla Fuller
August 5, 2022

Customer-obsessed, insights-driven organizations are pathing the way for global growth. According to TechJury, data analytics makes decision-making 5x faster for businesses. As an organization, how can you ensure that your customer experience is maintaining effective support as you continue to scale?

Today, the majority of businesses claim to have some kind of program in place for measuring and tracking the success of customer experience. However, the majority still cannot demonstrate how the data they receive on customer experience directly affects business performance or how they are using it to enhance the customer journey. Gathering data is essential, but if it isn’t frequently analyzed or guiding decisions then it isn’t being utilized to its full potential. Keep reading to discover 6 ways to scale CX teams and CX from a data-driven perspective to increase ROI.

**Interpreting customer experience insights is the key to improving ROI **

There are a few ways to gather customer experience data.

  • Feedback
  • Ratings/reviews
  • Market research
  • Collect behavioral data
  • Reviewing communication channels
  • Real-time user testing (A/B)

Without taking the time to interpret data, all platforms are not running as smoothly and as successfully as they could be. Money is going to waste on advertisements that aren’t hitting the mark. Time is put into newsletters that aren’t what consumers want. Resources are spent on webpages visitors immediately bounce from.

Protecting and growing your customer lifetime value (CLV) involves not only gathering this information that tells you how users are interacting with you, but transforming numbers into action by giving customers what they want. On the very basic level we can take social media as an example. One post may get 200 likes and the next day your post will get double that. Why? There could be many factors such as posting time, type of content, captions or quality of image, etc. But that’s the real question; why?

With the intent to scale, interpreting data comes down to the why. Why did consumers purchase more on Wednesday than they did on Thursday? Why did recipients click this CTA button more than the alternative? Why are users bouncing from this page without making an action? Now that you have this data, continuing to ask the why is key in scaling your CX and increasing ROI. Let’s discuss some more specific ways that you can scale CX using insights.

**6 ways to scale CX and CX teams using data **

**1. Create a personalized CX using data and technology. **

A recent Forbes Magazine article reports that market leaders share a common approach to using data to improve customer experience: they focus on “personalization at scale starting from customer touchpoints back.” To create a comprehensive 360-degree perspective of each consumer, CX innovators compile and integrate data from all relevant sources, including websites, in-app browsing, marketing interactions, chat, social media, customer service, and in-store.

Some businesses will compile this data in customer-centric dashboards that are accessible to all departments when addressing a customer’s demands. Others will employ machine learning and train intuitive interfaces to answer client questions in the context of ordinary business interactions using natural language.

**2. Scale your CX team with outsourced support. **

Growing at a rate faster than you can keep up is exciting and also intimidating. Outsoucing support to trained CX teams with data-preserving systems in place allows you to confidently put your trust in the hands of experienced teams who are experts in all things related to customer support. For more on how to retain your brand voice and values when outsourcing support, read more.

**3. Recognize your outsourced CX agents performance and discuss improvements. **

Scaling your CX team begins with keeping your current employees satisfied. One of the fastest ways to lead to burnout is rapid change. CX agents are the frontline of customer communication and can provide valuable information on recurring problems, pain points, how to optimize current systems, and successful stories of what is going well. Talking to your agents, listening to their feedback, and considering their suggestions makes them feel validated and like their work is paying off.

**4. Use customer data to improve your products or services. **

There are many advantages to collecting product data from your customers. Not only does it help to improve customer experience all across the board, but it assists in updating your product line to keep things fresh, allows you to create a development roadmap, and optimizes customer services channels.

Perhaps you recently launched a new product and are wondering what your consumers think. Asking on social media or sending out a short email survey to those who purchased will provide you with insights on how you can continue to improve the product and your customer loyalty with it.

**5. Create shareable content or case studies with customer data. **

Sharing positive customer data and feedback is another way to increase ROI. According to Findstack, 89% of people read reviews online before purchasing. Customer feedback and insights provide opportunities for growth, but they also play a role in acquiring new customers. Repurposing your positive feedback and creating content from it turns your consumers into ambassadors and gives potential customers a sneak peek into what it would be like for them if they purchased your products. Angled from a ‘you need this’ perspective, it encourages future buyers to purchase or run the risk of losing out on that same experience.

This win-win approach keeps customers happy and loyal because they feel rewarded when you share their reviews or repost their images as UGC, and it also shows potential customers what they are missing.

**6. Look to the future. **

Keeping track of customer data means you can evaluate your growth thus far and anticipate future growth. It means you can create goals you’d like to achieve in the next quarter or year over year improvements by month. Oftentimes growth doesn’t come over night. It takes immense amounts of money, resources, time, and effort to continue making those small steps towards your goals. Keeping track of data can be encouraging in a way that shows you how far you’ve come and also reveals efforts that may need attention. Scaling your CX team and improving holistic CX requires a vision. Where do you see your business going and what are some goals you can measure for the future?

Optimize your CX teams to be proactive

A good CX team will be proactive in making decisions based on customer data. For organizations strongly invested in CX, it’s imperative to continue seeking out what is new. What are the issues and opportunities from previous data and what can you anticipate regarding future pain points? According to Helpdesk…

83% of consumers say they want companies to contact them proactively to provide customer service.

Instead of only reaching out when customers have a problem, why not make sure they feel supported well before then? This empowers them while using your products and also gives them the confidence to reach out should they need it. By optimizing CX teams from a proactive viewpoint, it naturally improves CX and inevitably increases ROI.

Scale your CX team with Influx

Customer experience is the most important thing a company can invest in. Our teams work on demand to provide 24/7 customer support with all management and training included. Ready to launch in one week, Influx teams can provide the CX support you need to get back to what you love most. Get support today!

About the author

Photo of Mikayla Fuller

Mikayla Fuller

Mikayla is an avid copywriter and passionate content marketer. If she’s not out on some adventure, she’s probably got a book in hand.