tips and tutorials
Achieve excellent results for your business with these helpful tips and tutorials.
5 must-have help desk automations (2021 Edition)
The right automation can positively impact your customer support agents' performance, customer satisfaction, and resolution speed.
How to write a great eCommerce return policy (real examples from high-growth brands)
A customer-centric ecommerce return policy creates confidence, trust, and a sense of security. Let's take a look at some great examples from valuable, high-growth brands.
Forecasting support team headcount for the holiday sales periods (easy calculator)
How many support agents are needed for the upcoming sales season? Forecast with this easy calculator.
How to plan your support team for the holidays
Planning your support team for busy holidays doesn’t have to be daunting. Learn how to optimize your staffing and automate processes to keep your customer satisfaction sky high.
How to reduce your customer churn rate
Positive net churn combined with a scalable growth channel enables your company to grow exponentially. Here's how we did it.
How to define your customers: Type vs. Time
Reduce churn and improve your customer experience with this simple model.
Zendesk Setup and Tutorials
Struggling to get Zendesk working? We've created a series of simple step-by-step tutorials to get your instance working like a pro.
Five easy ways to generate referrals from your support conversations
Generating customer referrals is one of the most powerful and time-tested ways to grow any business. When someone you trust recommends a business, you listen.
Five ways to compete with Amazon using excellent customer service
Manly Bands is an anomaly, and for all the right reasons. They built a profitable business in less than a year with no outside funding or referral network. They didn’t have a big blog following or an Instagram or Facebook audience already available.

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