business operations

How to combat the Great Resignation with outsourced support

The Great Resignation refers to employee shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how outsourced support can be best solution for your business.
customer experience

7 ways to enhance your customer service experience

Learn more: Seven ways to improve your customer service experience to exceed consumer demands.
business operations

Five eco-friendly brands fostering sustainable business practices

Eco-friendly companies have a positive impact on the environment and build brand trust with consumers. Learn more about some of the sustainable businesses that work with Influx.
business operations

What is Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)?

BPO is a fantastic way for businesses’ to alleviate pressure by delegating important processes to an external company. Read to find out why BPO is important!
business operations

What is support as a service and why you need it

Our detailed guide provides everything you need to know about Support as a Service and why it’s so important for your business! Read to find out more.
tips and tutorials

3 steps to unleash your CX team and boost your brand

The customer experience team is a vital part of your company's brand. Learn how to pivot your CX department in these three steps.
business operations

​​The ultimate guide to outsourcing your e-commerce customer service in 2022

More than ever before, companies are choosing to outsource e-commerce customer support because it is easy, efficient, and scaleable,.
customer support

7 bits of advice for new customer support agents

Customer support agents play a huge role in representing a brand. Here are some useful advice to guide new agents on delivering exceptional customer experiences.
best practices

Discover the 5 best practices for live chat outsourcing

Live chat remains a popular channel to connect with customers. Here are five important elements to outsourcing live chat to the right partner.