Live chat operators on demand

Respond instantly with live chat support as a service.

Case studies

See how companies work with Influx to deliver flexibility & scale.

24/7 fully managed support across 3 regions with 2-minute resolution time and 90% CSAT
76 agents resolve 250,000+ tickets per month with 24/7 coverage, surpassing KPIs
End-to-end eCommerce support on demand with 4.63 customer satisfaction rating

Professional response quality

We work with established brands and tech companies to deliver excellent customer service via live chat. We act as an extension of your existing team, with regular training, QA and re-training.

Instant response times, 24 hours, Monday to Friday

Our team answers chats as they arrive, allowing you to help your customers faster or turn more website visitors into customers. We can answer a portion of your chats or all of them. You set the criteria.

Global coverage

Our agents and managers are based in Jamaica, Kenya and Indonesia, enabling 24 hour coverage. We also provide a communication channel - usually with Slack - to make it easy for you to communicate with your team.

Use your existing chat platform

Our team and system connects to your existing chat platform. We can connect to all major platforms. Most of our clients use Intercom and Zendesk Chat, but we can connect to other platforms too.

Management and training included

Our complete support operation includes management, training, coordination and QA. Our own technology automatically tracks gaps in coverage and opportunities for improvement.

Sample experience

"The quality of Influx agents has been fantastic. Their remote, work from home solution really has been top notch. We’ve been able to build a CX team with consistent culture, standards and performance."

Jessica Warren, Global Support Manager at 99designs, the worlds largest creative platform for custom graphic design.

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"We absolutely crushed our year over year SLAs, responding to customers quicker than ever before. The Influx team was flexible, agile, accommodating, and reliable. We were honoured to work alongside such dedicated and committed team members. We couldn't have had such a successful Q1 without Influx's help."

Shannon Vilmin, Vendor Operations Specialist at ClassPass, transforming the fitness industry, raised $285 million Series E funding in January 2020.

Read the case study →

"Working with Influx has allowed us to scale up 24/7 support quickly while delivering a thoughtful and helpful experience. Intercom + Influx delivers fast resolutions for all of our customers."

Andi Ancheta, VP of Customer Success at Karbon, raised $11+ Million over four rounds. Next generation practice management software for accounting firms.

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Hire full-service teams on demand

Make your support ops fast, flexible and ready for anything with experienced 24/7 support teams working month to month.