
Flexibility at Influx: How we provide adaptable and scalable outsourced excellence

Photo of Mikayla Fuller
by   Mikayla Fuller

If you’ve spent any time browsing our website, you may have noticed that the word ‘flexibility’ comes up a lot. As an outsourced customer service provider, Influx is passionate about delivering a fully flexible service to our clients, that then extends to your customers.

Flexibility is more than just a buzzword in customer service—it’s the cornerstone of delivering a great customer experience. But what do we mean by ‘flexibility’? How is every aspect of Influx’s service fully flexible? And what does this flexibility mean for your business?

Customer service isn’t one-size-fits-all. Our service is tailored to your specific business needs, expanding or contracting in response to your customers. This flexible, customer-centric approach is focused on delivering high-quality support services whenever and however you require them.

Over the last several years, Influx has built support teams for more than 300 high-growth brands across the US, Australia, and Europe.

In this blog, we break down every component of how Influx delivers fully flexible customer service—from short-term seasonal coverage to a long-term 24/7 solution with month-to-month pricing, ensuring your customers always receive exceptional care.

Jump ahead to see how Influx offers flexibility through:

Optimize resources with scalable support solutions

Customer support volume is constantly changing. A successful marketing campaign, peak season, product launches—all of these things can create surges in demand. Influx’s scalable solution ensures your business always has the right level of support so your customers don’t have to wait for a response.

Sometimes support volume drops. Working with Influx, your team would scale back to reflect this drop in demand, then scale up again when needed—giving your customers a consistent experience regardless of volume and preventing your business from paying for resources you aren’t using.

Take ClassPass for example. In the fitness industry, there’s a natural spike in demand during the start of the year. ClassPass needed a flex team to help them with a significant scale-up during Q1, that didn’t compromise standards. So they came to Influx.

Influx built a 24/7 operation using three coverage zones, with all agents working normal hours using secure, WFH connections. The 60+ dedicated agent Influx team onboarded in six days (beating the 14-day estimate), and cleared an 11,000 ticket backlog alongside the internal team during the onboarding phase.

We absolutely crushed our year-over-year SLAs, responding to customers quicker than ever before. The Influx team was flexible, agile, accommodating, and reliable. We were honored to work alongside such dedicated and committed team members. We couldn’t have had such a successful Q1 without Influx’s help.

- Shannon Vilmin, Vendor Operations Specialist at ClassPass

Our team expands organically based on real-time needs. We leverage our years in global workforce development and recruitment expertise to offer a unique blend of agility and management to scale your support, fast.

Whether you need seasonal coverage, backlog help, or keeping up with those unexpected surges in demand, Influx handles recruitment, training, and management so your customers never have to wait or worry about a timely response.

Meet demand consistently with on-demand support teams

Influx utilizes the follow-the-sun model (regular business hours and no graveyard shifts) so you can fill internal coverage gaps or extend your team to get quality support at all hours. With a 100% remote and global workforce, you can maintain availability year-round and never have gaps in coverage.

There are four different types of agents provided by Influx, each assigned based on the specific nature of their work:

  1. Digital Agents - who primarily work on emails and live chats
  2. Voice Agents - who provide phone support on top of working on emails and live chats
  3. Tech Agents - who have the expertise to handle complex issues that require technical skills
  4. Sales Agents - whose primary role is to either book sales meetings or guide customers through the sales funnel

Access to a pool of skilled support professionals who can be deployed for specific issues or specialized queries provides your customers with higher quality, more targeted support.

Deliver seamless experiences through omnichannel support

Omnichannel support gives your customers a consistent experience. When you support your customers exactly where and when they need you, that continuity helps build trust and satisfaction.

Influx’s omnichannel support flexibility is a game-changer for modern businesses, ensuring that your support system can adapt to the ever-changing preferences and needs of your customers. This means you can meet your customers on their preferred platforms, providing immediate and relevant assistance.

For example, Asana Rebel partnered with Influx to build an 8-person Dedicated Agent team that provides 100% of Asana Rebel’s customer service across all customer-facing channels, including in-app support, Zendesk, Recurly, Google Play Console, CMS, App Follow, and Stripe in six different languages.

Influx has been a fantastic partner. We’ve been able to scale our service without sacrificing quality. This past year, we saw a significant spike. Working with Influx, we managed to support that spike seamlessly with their end-to-end solution.

- Pascal Klein, co-founder of Asana Rebel

The Influx team offers Asana Rebel omnichannel flexibility by quickly shifting resources to different channels based on current demand, so no customer is left waiting regardless of how they choose to reach out.

Be available where your customers are through:

*Influx social media support does not involve conflict resolution, community engagement, or publishing content. Our interactions with social media are solely related to customer support in comments or direct messages that typically take place in a helpdesk.

Adapt easily with flexible pricing models

Real talk, how much is this going to cost you? Short answer: it depends on what you need, but let’s walk through it.

Influx operates on a month-to-month basis with absolutely no lock-in commitments or hidden fees. Our pricing model is simple and elastic—you only pay for what you use.

For example, Support as a Service billing operates on a pay-per-response or pay-per-resolution model, with the option of three different coverage slots: 8/7, 16/7, or 24/7.

We offer our service through Full-Time Dedicated Agents, Part-Time Dedicated Agents, and Shared Agents. Dedicated Agents operate on a per-per-resource pricing model, while Shared Agents follow a pay-per-response pricing model with a minimum monthly spend. Both models are billed on a monthly basis.

Whether you need a 100% customer support operation or an extra layer of support to take the load off your internal team, we’ve got you covered. With a month-to-month structure, you have the flexibility to expand and contract your service to keep your customers supported year-round.

Every aspect of Influx’s service is flexible, and that extends to pricing. Visit our pricing page to learn more.

Quality as a non-negotiable

Quality is non-negotiable at Influx. While flexibility is one of the major benefits of our service, it will never come at the expense of quality. Our commitment to delivering exceptional customer support services ensures that we maintain high standards while being adaptable. It’s why awesome, high-growth brands choose to work with us.

When we say our service is flexible, we mean it’s flexible to what your business needs, as seen above from the dynamic solutions we offer our clients.

Get started with Influx

Influx builds fully flexible, high-performance customer support teams. Our services range from live chat support, email support, voice support, and more to give you the customer assistance you need to prioritize other responsibilities and continue scaling your business.

Make your support operations fast, flexible, and ready for anything with experienced support teams working on demand. Get a quote now.

About the author

Photo of Mikayla Fuller

Mikayla Fuller

Mikayla is an avid copywriter and passionate content marketer. If she’s not out on some adventure, she’s probably got a book in hand.